Spin Cycle
A Short Film by Richard A. Hernandez
Starring Tyler Mazzei, Jaydon Gaultney, and Kyle Crosby
Release Date 2016
Story: Jake gets dragged along to laundry day one school night. He's bothered and bored. After discovering another kid in the same situation & both finding $20 on the floor, the two decide to waste time with each other for the remainder of the night, making their time fun and worthwhile.
Success in many sizes
This short was possibly my most successful, in a sense, that a good amount of people liked it. It was the first short that had a significant budget compared to the previous ones, but it paid off in the end. There were a lot of goals I set out for this one, I wanted to work in one setting, continue making a story that was set in one night, and have a complete soundtrack composed by one of my good friends. Once completed, I conducted a public screening of it at a really nice coffee shop in El Sereno, the turn out was successful, we sold merch and the physical copy of the soundtrack too. Later in the year, the short film made it into the film festival at the community college I attended, it won audience favorite that year. Lots of people liked it and it gave me confirmation that this is the way to go to advance from small-scale projects. Show the amount of care you put into your films and people will see it.